A New Chapter for East Suffolk

by Owen Grey on 24 May, 2023

Your Green, Liberal Democrat, and Independent Councillors before the Full Council meeting at East Suffolk House, Melton

On Wednesday 24th May, Green, Liberal Democrat, and Independent Councillors voted to form an administration for East Suffolk Council. We will have a slim majority of 1 (28 vs 27 Councillors), but we will be in a position, nevertheless, to set the agenda and deliver for residents after decades of Tory neglect.

The task ahead is considerable: we need to protect our environment, fight the dumping of sewage in our rivers, and make sure our planning system serves the community first and foremost. We need affordable homes for LOCAL people but we also need the infrastructure to support families (surgeries, schools, and shops). Our roads need repairing and made safe for everyone too. 

A lot of this requires the District Council to work with other authorities: County Council, ombudsmen, not to mention national government and the various commissions which deliver services across Suffolk. Not everything is within our gift, indeed a great deal is beyond our control. 

But what we can do is give you a voice to demand change and over the next four years, I pledge to listen, petition, advocate, and campaign to make our part of the world better.

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